July 11th, 2020 Newsletter




Ecclesiastes 3: 1. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens.”

Surely the scripture is true. Day by day we see it all around us that, nothing lasts forever. We live, we die. We build, we tear down. We laugh, we cry. Surely there is a season for everything under the sun.

This world as we know it will also one-day cease to exist. A new heaven and earth is promised by the Creator Himself, and His promises are sure! The truth is we must prepare ourselves to be in the new world.

What season are we in today? Is it to believe that this world will be better or to be prepared for the extraction from it? I’m sure that Jesus is coming to take His people, I am preparing, what about you?

God bless.

Michael Gray, First Elder



Wednesday Night at 7 pm, Friday Evening Vespers at 7:15 pm.  Bible Study at 4:30 pm -  AY at 6:00 pm followed by Vespers.   Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


Meeting ID: 861 105 1704
Password: 7R3Wki
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        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 861 105 1704
Password: 866977
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kceHeA42Zq


Youth Zoom Meetings  

Sabbath School at 9:30 am – 10:30 am for     Primary and Juniors; Earliteens 11 am: 

Meeting ID: 861 105 1704
Password: 7R3Wki












Michael Gray – 11

Ruby Prince, Richard Salter, Jr. – 12

Sherene Walters – 14

Hoarce Staple - 15

Claudia Bennett-Christopher, Andrea Gunn – 16

Halcy Hylton, Maude Spence - 17





“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.  Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.Psalms 119:1-2





1. Education Day is next Sabbath, July 18th.  The guest speaker is Pastor Corey Marshall. Theme for the day is “Endangered”.  AY will begin at 5 pm with a panel discussion.  Please join us as we celebrate “Education



2. Please continue to pray for each other, our families, all essential workers and the world as we go through this Pandemic. 

3.  Calvary Food Pantry Hours are: Sundays:12 noon to 1pm and Thursdays 3:30pm to 6pm.

4. If you would like to be a part of the Calvary SDA Cottage Meeting Team or have Cottage Meeting Service on WhatsApp or Zoom please contact Bro. Cleve Williams - 203-521-6671 or Bro. Willie James - 203-954-7063.  


Georgia Gaymon - West River Rehab Center, 245 Orange Ave, Milford, CT - 203-876-5123

Hester Hancock-Scott - Jewish Sr. Service, Boylan 4200 Park Ave.- Bpt. - 203-365-6400

Mavis Burnette -25 Cartright Street - Bpt- 203-545-1542

Maima Gbanyah - 15 Clark Street. - Bridgeport, 203-296-1685

Michael Scott – 22B Karen Court - Bpt. – 475-236-9434

Neville & Rose Depass-1049 Old Town Road, Bpt, 203-212-0233/ 203-870-8194

Yvonne Coakley – Ludlow Rehab – CT – 203-371-2890


Sunset Sabbath:  8:25 pm                         Sunset Friday:  8:22 pm